Mac Mania 5
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Internet software
Analog 2.0
Analog 2.0 Src
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/*** analog 2.0 ***/
/* Please read Readme.html, or http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog/ */
/*** analog.c; the main function ***/
#include "analhea2.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
extern char *commandname; /* all global vars declared in init.c */
extern struct loglist *logfilehead;
extern struct stringlist *cachefilehead, *refloghead, *browloghead;
extern struct stringlist *errloghead;
#ifndef NODNS
extern char *dnsfile;
extern flag dnsq;
extern struct dnscache **dnshead;
extern size_t dnshashsize;
struct dnscache *dnsp, *dnsnextp;
extern flag byq, browbyq, refbyq;
extern flag filemaskq, hostmaskq, q7, warnq, anywarns;
extern flag mq, hq, Hq, dq, Dq, Wq, sq, Sq, oq, iq, tq, rq, fq, Bq, bq, cq;
extern flag eq;
extern int osortby, rsortby, isortby, tsortby, Ssortby, fsortby;
extern int bsortby, Bsortby;
extern char bcols[], Bcols[], fcols[];
extern char mgraph, dgraph, Dgraph, hgraph, Hgraph, Wgraph;
extern char *rminreqstr, *iminreqstr, *tminreqstr, *Sminreqstr;
extern char *fminreqstr, *bminreqstr, *Bminreqstr;
extern char *rminpagestr, *iminpagestr, *tminpagestr, *Sminpagestr;
extern char *fminpagestr, *bminpagestr, *Bminpagestr;
extern char *rminbytestr, *iminbytestr, *tminbytestr, *Sminbytestr;
extern char *fminbytestr, *bminbytestr, *Bminbytestr;
extern int rmaxreqs, imaxreqs, tmaxreqs, Smaxreqs, fmaxreqs;
extern int bmaxreqs, Bmaxreqs, eminreqs;
extern int rmaxpages, imaxpages, tmaxpages, Smaxpages, fmaxpages;
extern int bmaxpages, Bmaxpages;
extern double rmaxbytes, imaxbytes, tmaxbytes, Smaxbytes, fmaxbytes;
extern double bmaxbytes, Bmaxbytes;
extern size_t rhashsize, ihashsize, thashsize, Shashsize, fhashsize;
extern size_t bhashsize, Bhashsize;
extern int Smaxlength;
extern struct timestruct firsttime, lasttime, fromtime, totime, oldtime;
extern int no_hosts, no_hosts7, no_new_hosts7;
extern int no_urls, no_urls7;
extern int cachereqs, cachereqs7, cachepages, cachepages7;
extern int corrupt_lines, other_lines;
extern double total_bytes, total_bytes7, total_ref_bytes, total_brow_bytes;
extern int total_succ_reqs, total_fail_reqs, total_other_reqs;
extern int total_succ_reqs7, total_fail_reqs7, total_other_reqs7;
extern int total_page_reqs, total_page_reqs7;
extern int total_good_refs, total_bad_refs, total_masked_refs;
extern int total_good_brows, total_bad_brows, total_masked_brows;
extern int total_ref_pages, total_brow_pages;
extern struct weekly *firstW;
extern struct genstruct **Shead, **rhead, **ihead, **thead, **fhead;
extern struct genstruct **bhead, **Bhead, **Shead2, **rhead2, **fhead2;
extern int errors[];
extern int onumber;
extern struct include *wanthosthead, *wantreqhead;
extern int debug, progressfreq;
extern int status[], status7[], statusnos[];
FILE *lf;
flag ispipe; /* whether the currently open logfile is a pipe */
struct loglist *logfilep;
struct stringlist *otherlogp;
char inputline[MAXLINELENGTH]; /* a particular input line */
int linetype; /* COMMON, NCSAOLD, WEBSTAR or CORRUPT */
int date, year, hr, min, monthno;
long thistimecode;
char fromurl[MAXSTRINGLENGTH];
char browser[MAXSTRINGLENGTH];
char errstr[MAXLINELENGTH];
char filename[MAXSTRINGLENGTH];
int code;
size_t preflength; /* length of filename prefix for this logfile */
flag firstreq = TRUE;
flag datemaskq;
flag fwarn1 = OFF, fwarn2 = OFF, fwarn3 = OFF;
flag bwarn1 = OFF, bwarn2 = OFF, bwarn3 = OFF, bwarn4 = OFF;
/* have certain warnings been given? */
double bytes; /* long is not big enough; double has more sig. figs,
and copes with overflow automatically. */
char bytestr[16];
struct genstruct *rsorthead, *isorthead, *tsorthead, *Ssorthead;
struct genstruct *fsorthead, *bsorthead, *Bsorthead;
int firstdom, errorder[NO_ERRS]; /* heads for sorting */
struct genstruct *hostp, *hostnextp, *urlp, *urlnextp;
int onlist;
flag wantthisone = TRUE; /* whether we want to analyse a particular entry */
flag issuccess; /* whether an entry has a success status code */
flag ispage = OFF; /* whether it represents a page */
flag last7q = OFF; /* are we now in the last 7 days? */
int rc;
register int linesread;
int nextreport;
char *tempstr, *tempc;
int i, tempint, tempint2;
flag tempf;
char tempchar, tempchar2;
struct genstruct *tempgs;
/*** Initialisation ***/
initialise(argc, argv);
linesread = 0;
nextreport = progressfreq;
datemaskq = (fromtime.code > -INFINITY || totime.code < INFINITY);
/*** Now start scanning ***/
for (logfilep = logfilehead; logfilep -> name[0] != '\0';
logfilep = logfilep -> next) { /* for each logfile */
lf = fopenlog(logfilep -> name, "logfile", &ispipe);
if (lf != NULL) {
preflength = strlen(logfilep -> prefix);
while(fgets(inputline, MAXLINELENGTH, lf) != NULL) {
strcpy(filename, logfilep -> prefix);
/* needed each line coz can get accidentally overwritten by /../ */
linetype = CORRUPT; /* paranoia :) */
if ((rc = sscanf_common(inputline, hostn, &date, &monthno, &year, &hr,
&min, filename + preflength, fromurl, browser,
&code, bytestr, preflength)) >= 9) {
linetype = COMMON;
bytes = atof(bytestr);
#ifdef WEBSTAR
else if ((rc = sscanf_webstar(inputline, hostn, &date, &monthno, &year,
&hr, &min, filename + preflength,
fromurl, browser, &code, bytestr,
preflength)) >= 9) {
linetype = WEBSTARLINE;
bytes = atof(bytestr);
else if ((rc = sscanf_netpresenz(lf, inputline, hostn, &date, &monthno,
&year, &hr, &min,
filename + preflength, fromurl,
browser, &code, bytestr,
preflength)) >= 9) {
bytes = 0;
if (byq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Netpresenz logs contain no bytes information:\n", commandname);
fprintf(stderr, " will not report on bytes transferred.\n");
byq = OFF;
if (osortby == BYBYTES)
osortby = BYREQUESTS;
if (rsortby == BYBYTES)
rsortby = BYREQUESTS;
if (isortby == BYBYTES)
isortby = BYREQUESTS;
if (tsortby == BYBYTES)
tsortby = BYREQUESTS;
if (Ssortby == BYBYTES)
if (mgraph == 'b' || mgraph == 'B')
mgraph = 'r';
if (dgraph == 'b' || dgraph == 'B')
dgraph = 'r';
if (Dgraph == 'b' || Dgraph == 'B')
Dgraph = 'r';
if (hgraph == 'b' || hgraph == 'B')
hgraph = 'r';
if (Hgraph == 'b' || Hgraph == 'B')
Hgraph = 'r';
if (Wgraph == 'b' || Wgraph == 'B')
Wgraph = 'r';
else if ((rc = sscanf_ncsaold(inputline, hostn, &monthno, &date, &hr,
&min, &year, filename + preflength,
preflength)) == 7) {
linetype = NCSAOLD;
code = 200;
bytes = 0;
if (byq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: old style NCSA logs contain no bytes information:\n", commandname);
fprintf(stderr, " will not report on bytes transferred.");
byq = OFF;
if (osortby == BYBYTES)
osortby = BYREQUESTS;
if (rsortby == BYBYTES)
rsortby = BYREQUESTS;
if (isortby == BYBYTES)
isortby = BYREQUESTS;
if (tsortby == BYBYTES)
tsortby = BYREQUESTS;
if (Ssortby == BYBYTES)
if (mgraph == 'b' || mgraph == 'B')
mgraph = 'r';
if (dgraph == 'b' || dgraph == 'B')
dgraph = 'r';
if (Dgraph == 'b' || Dgraph == 'B')
Dgraph = 'r';
if (hgraph == 'b' || hgraph == 'B')
hgraph = 'r';
if (Hgraph == 'b' || Hgraph == 'B')
Hgraph = 'r';
if (Wgraph == 'b' || Wgraph == 'B')
Wgraph = 'r';
if (linetype != CORRUPT) {
thistimecode = timecode(date, monthno, year, hr, min);
wantthisone = thistimecode >= fromtime.code &&
thistimecode <= totime.code;
if (wantthisone && hostmaskq) { /* must hostmask before req. hash */
wantthisone = included(hostn, UNSET, wanthosthead);
if (wantthisone) {
issuccess = (code <= 299 || code == 304);
/* Are we in the last 7 days? Check this every time in case */
/* logfile is not in chronological order */
if (q7) /* if !q7, last7q stays off (for efficiency) */
last7q = (thistimecode > oldtime.code);
/* Request report. We always construct a (poss. silent) request
report in order to generate ispage etc. */
tempgs = hashadd(rhead2, rhashsize, filename, issuccess,
issuccess?bytes:0, UNSET,
last7q, &tempint, &tempint, &tempint,
OFF, filemaskq, UNSET,
(struct genstruct *)NULL, -1, 'r');
wantthisone = tempgs -> wanted;
ispage = tempgs -> ispage;
if (wantthisone) {
/* Hostname report/count. This time, we don't do one if the
domain report or hostmaskq is on and this is off, because
this takes up a lot of memory. */
if (sq == ON) {
if (hostmaskq) /* then aliasing already done */
hashadd(Shead2, Shashsize, hostn, issuccess, issuccess?bytes:0,
issuccess && ispage, last7q, &tempint, &tempint,
&tempint, ON, OFF, OFF, (struct genstruct *)NULL,
-1, 'S'); /* and we know it's wanted */
wantthisone = hashadd(Shead2, Shashsize, hostn, issuccess,
issuccess?bytes:0, issuccess && ispage,
last7q, &tempint, &tempint, &tempint,
OFF, OFF, OFF, (struct genstruct *)NULL,
-1, 'S') -> wanted;
else if (issuccess) {
if (!hostmaskq && (oq || sq == APPROX)) {
wantthisone = included(hostn, UNSET, wanthosthead);
if /* still */ (wantthisone) {
if (oq)
domhashadd(hostn, 1, ispage, bytes);
if (sq == APPROX)
approxhosthashadd(hostn, last7q);
if (!wantthisone)
else {
/* add to the right status code total */
tempf = OFF;
for (i = 0; !tempf && i < NO_STATUS; i++) {
if (code <= statusnos[i]) {
if (last7q)
tempf = ON;
if (issuccess) {
if (ispage) {
total_page_reqs7 += last7q;
total_bytes += bytes; /* NB only count bytes for successes */
if (last7q)
total_bytes7 += bytes;
if (firstreq) {
firstreq = FALSE;
firsttime.date = date;
firsttime.monthno = monthno;
firsttime.year = year;
firsttime.hr = hr;
firsttime.min = min;
firsttime.code = thistimecode;
if (Wq)
firstW -> start = startofweek(firsttime);
lasttime.date = date;
lasttime.monthno = monthno;
lasttime.year = year;
lasttime.hr = hr;
lasttime.min = min;
lasttime.code = thistimecode;
/* date cataloguing */
datehash(year, monthno, date, hr, min, thistimecode, 1, ispage,
} /* end if issuccess */
if (rc == 11) { /* then do referrer and browser now (all codes) */
if (fq && fromurl[0] != '\0')
addref(fromurl, filename, ispage, bytes, last7q, OFF);
if ((Bq || bq) && browser[0] != '\0')
addbrowser(browser, ispage, bytes, last7q);
} /* end if want this one */
} /* end if linetype != CORRUPT */
else { /* line is corrupt */
if (debug != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "C: %s", inputline);
if (strchr(inputline, '\n') == NULL) {
/* line corrupt by being too long; */
fscanf(lf, "%*[^\n]"); /* read to end of line */
if (debug != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
if ((++linesread) == nextreport) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d lines read\n", commandname, linesread);
nextreport += progressfreq;
if ((linesread % MAC_IDLE_FREQ) == 0)
} /* end of reading this logfile */
fcloselog(lf, logfilep -> name, "logfile", ispipe);
} /*** End of main loop (for all logfiles) ***/
/*** Now for the other logfiles. First cache files. ***/
/* NB Some of this is shared with main loop and could probably be combined */
min = 30; /* reckon all cache entries at half past the hour */
for (otherlogp = cachefilehead; otherlogp -> name[0] != '\0';
otherlogp = otherlogp -> next) { /* for each referrer log */
lf = fopenlog(otherlogp -> name, "cache file", &ispipe);
if (lf != NULL) {
if (fgets(inputline, MAXLINELENGTH, lf) == NULL ||
sscanf(inputline, "CACHE type %c produced by analo%c", &tempchar,
&tempchar2) != 2 ||
tempchar2 != 'g' || (tempchar != '1' && tempchar != '2')) {
if (warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: %s appears not to be a cache file: ignoring it\n", commandname, otherlogp -> name);
anywarns = ON;
else {
if (tempchar == '1') {
tempint2 = 0; /* number of page requests then always zero */
if (warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: old style cache file %s contains no page information:\n",
commandname, otherlogp -> name);
fprintf(stderr, " page counts will be too low\n");
anywarns = ON;
while (fgets(inputline, MAXLINELENGTH, lf) != NULL) {
if ((tempstr = strtok(inputline, ":")) != NULL) {
tempc = tempstr;
if (strlen(tempstr) != 10) {
if (warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring corrupt line in cache file %s starting %s\n", commandname, otherlogp -> name, tempc);
anywarns = ON;
else {
year = 1000 * (*tempstr - '0');
year += 100 * (*(++tempstr) - '0');
year += 10 * (*(++tempstr) - '0');
year += (*(++tempstr) - '0');
monthno = 10 * (*(++tempstr) - '0');
monthno += *(++tempstr) - '0' - 1;
date = 10 * (*(++tempstr) - '0');
date += *(++tempstr) - '0';
hr = 10 * (*(++tempstr) - '0');
hr += *(++tempstr) - '0';
tempf = OFF;
for ( ; hr < 24 && !tempf; hr++) {
if ((tempstr = strtok((char *)NULL, ":")) == NULL) {
if (warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: missing data in cache file %s at line starting %s\n", commandname, otherlogp -> name, tempc);
anywarns = ON;
tempf = ON;
else if (tempstr[0] == '*')
tempf = ON;
else {
tempint = atoi(tempstr);
if (tempchar == '2') {
if ((tempstr = strtok((char *)NULL, ":")) == NULL) {
if (warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: missing data in cache file %s at line starting %s\n", commandname, otherlogp -> name, tempc);
anywarns = ON;
tempf = ON;
tempint2 = atoi(tempstr);
if ((tempstr = strtok((char *)NULL, ":")) == NULL) {
if (warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: missing data in cache file %s at line starting %s\n", commandname, otherlogp -> name, tempc);
anywarns = ON;
tempf = ON;
else {
bytes = atof(tempstr);
thistimecode = timecode(date, monthno, year, hr, min);
if (thistimecode >= fromtime.code &&
thistimecode <= totime.code) {
if (firstreq) {
firstreq = FALSE;
firsttime.date = date;
firsttime.monthno = monthno;
firsttime.year = year;
firsttime.hr = hr;
firsttime.min = min;
firsttime.code = thistimecode;
if (Wq)
firstW -> start = startofweek(firsttime);
lasttime.date = date;
lasttime.monthno = monthno;
lasttime.year = year;
lasttime.hr = hr;
lasttime.min = min;
lasttime.code = thistimecode;
if (q7)
last7q = (thistimecode > oldtime.code);
total_bytes += bytes;
cachereqs += tempint;
cachepages += tempint2;
if (last7q) {
total_bytes7 += bytes;
cachereqs7 += tempint;
cachepages7 += tempint2;
datehash(year, monthno, date, hr, min, thistimecode,
tempint, tempint2, bytes);
fcloselog(lf, otherlogp -> name, "cache file", ispipe);
/*** Now the referrer logs ***/
if (fq) {
for (otherlogp = refloghead; otherlogp -> name[0] != '\0';
otherlogp = otherlogp -> next) { /* for each referrer log */
lf = fopenlog(otherlogp -> name, "referrer log", &ispipe);
if (lf != NULL) {
while(fgets(inputline, MAXLINELENGTH, lf) != NULL) {
if (sscanf_referrer(inputline, &date, &monthno, &year, &hr, &min,
fromurl, filename) == 7) {
wantthisone = ON;
last7q = OFF;
if (datemaskq) {
if (date != 0) {
thistimecode = timecode(date, monthno, year, hr, min);
wantthisone = thistimecode > fromtime.code &&
thistimecode < totime.code;
if (q7)
last7q = (thistimecode > oldtime.code);
else if (!fwarn1 && warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Referrer log contains lines with no date information;\n", commandname);
fprintf(stderr, " cannot apply FROM and TO commands to them.\n");
fwarn1 = ON;
anywarns = ON;
if (!fwarn2 && hostmaskq && wantthisone && warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Referrer logs contain no host information;\n", commandname);
fprintf(stderr, " cannot apply HOSTINCLUDE and HOSTEXCLUDE commands to it.\n");
fwarn2 = ON;
anywarns = ON;
if (!fwarn3) {
fwarn3 = ON;
for (tempc = fcols; *tempc != '\0' && *tempc != 'B' &&
*tempc != 'b'; tempc++)
if (*tempc != '\0' || fsortby == BYBYTES) {
if (warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Referrer logs contain no bytes information;\n", commandname);
fprintf(stderr, " cannot report on referrer bytes.\n");
anywarns = ON;
if (fsortby == BYBYTES)
fsortby = BYREQUESTS;
refbyq = OFF;
if (wantthisone)
addref(fromurl, filename, UNSET, 0.0, last7q, filemaskq);
if ((++linesread) == nextreport) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d lines read\n", commandname, linesread);
nextreport += progressfreq;
if ((linesread % MAC_IDLE_FREQ) == 0)
fcloselog(lf, otherlogp -> name, "referrer log", ispipe);
/* Next the browser logs */
if (bq || Bq) {
for (otherlogp = browloghead; otherlogp -> name[0] != '\0';
otherlogp = otherlogp -> next) {
lf = fopenlog(otherlogp -> name, "browser log", &ispipe);
if (lf != NULL) {
while(fgets(inputline, MAXLINELENGTH, lf) != NULL) {
/* read in the date, if supplied */
if (*(tempstr = inputline) == '[') {
wantthisone = FALSE; /* unless date is valid */
if (sscanf_date(++tempstr, &date, &monthno, &year, &hr, &min) ==
5) {
tempstr += 20;
if (*tempstr == ']') {
if (*(++tempstr) == ' ') {
wantthisone = TRUE;
else {
wantthisone = TRUE;
date = 0; /* as marker */
if (wantthisone) {
last7q = OFF;
if (datemaskq) {
if (date != 0) {
thistimecode = timecode(date, monthno, year, hr, min);
wantthisone = thistimecode > fromtime.code &&
thistimecode < totime.code;
if (q7)
last7q = (thistimecode > oldtime.code);
else if (!bwarn1 && warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Browser log contains lines with no date information;\n", commandname);
fprintf(stderr, " cannot apply FROM and TO commands to them.\n");
bwarn1 = ON;
anywarns = ON;
if (warnq) { /* some boring warnings */
if (!bwarn2 && hostmaskq && wantthisone) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Browser logs contain no host information;\n", commandname);
fprintf(stderr, " cannot apply HOSTINCLUDE and HOSTEXCLUDE commands to them.\n");
bwarn2 = ON;
anywarns = ON;
if (!bwarn3 && filemaskq && wantthisone) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Browser logs contain no file information;\n", commandname);
fprintf(stderr, " cannot apply FILEINCLUDE and FILEEXCLUDE commands to them.\n");
bwarn3 = ON;
anywarns = ON;
if (!bwarn4) {
bwarn4 = ON;
tempf = OFF;
if (bq && (bsortby == BYBYTES || bsortby == BYPAGES))
tempf = ON;
else if (Bq && (bsortby == BYBYTES || bsortby == BYPAGES))
tempf = ON;
else if (bq) {
for (tempc = bcols; *tempc != '\0' && *tempc != 'p' &&
*tempc != 'P' && *tempc != 'B' && *tempc != 'b';
if (*tempc != '\0')
tempf = ON;
if (!tempf && Bq) {
for (tempc = Bcols; *tempc != '\0' && *tempc != 'p' &&
*tempc != 'P' && *tempc != 'B' && *tempc != 'b';
if (*tempc != '\0')
tempf = ON;
if (tempf) {
if (warnq) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Browser logs contain no file information;\n", commandname);
fprintf(stderr, " cannot report on browser page counts or bytes.\n");
anywarns = ON;
browbyq = OFF;
if (bsortby == BYBYTES || bsortby == BYPAGES)
bsortby = BYREQUESTS;
if (Bsortby == BYBYTES || Bsortby == BYPAGES)
if (wantthisone) {
if ((tempc = strchr(tempstr, '\n')) != NULL)
*tempc = '\0';
strcpy(browser, tempstr);
addbrowser(browser, OFF, 0.0, last7q);
else /* masked out */
else /* had bad date */
if ((++linesread) == nextreport) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d lines read\n", commandname, linesread);
nextreport += progressfreq;
if ((linesread % MAC_IDLE_FREQ) == 0)
fcloselog(lf, otherlogp -> name, "browser log", ispipe);
/* Finally the error logs */
if (eq) {
for (otherlogp = errloghead; otherlogp -> name[0] != '\0';
otherlogp = otherlogp -> next) { /* for each logfile */
lf = fopenlog(otherlogp -> name, "error log", &ispipe);
if (lf != NULL) {
while(fgets(inputline, MAXLINELENGTH, lf) != NULL) {
tempstr = inputline;
wantthisone = FALSE;
if (*tempstr == '[') { /* others are non-httpd errors */
if (sscanf_olddate(++tempstr, &date, &monthno, &year, &hr, &min)
== 5) {
tempstr += 24;
if (*tempstr == ']') {
if (*(++tempstr) == ' ') {
wantthisone = TRUE;
if (wantthisone) {
if (datemaskq) {
thistimecode = timecode(date, monthno, year, hr, min);
wantthisone = (thistimecode > fromtime.code) &&
(thistimecode < totime.code);
if (wantthisone) {
strcpy(errstr, tempstr);
if ((++linesread) == nextreport) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d lines read\n", commandname, linesread);
nextreport += progressfreq;
if ((linesread % MAC_IDLE_FREQ) == 0)
fcloselog(lf, otherlogp -> name, "error log", ispipe);
/* Now writing out the DNS cache */
#ifndef NODNS
if (dnsq) {
if (STREQ(dnsfile, "-") || STREQ(dnsfile, "stdin")) {
lf = stdout;
if (debug > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "F: Opening stdout as DNS cache output file\n");
else if ((lf = fopen(dnsfile, "w")) == NULL) {
if (warnq) {
"%s: Warning: failed to open DNS cache file %s for writing.\n",
commandname, dnsfile);
anywarns = ON;
else if (debug > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "F: Opening %s as DNS cache output file\n", dnsfile);
if (lf != NULL) {
onlist = 0;
for (dnsp = dnshead[0]; onlist < dnshashsize; dnsp = dnsnextp) {
/* run through hosts, as below */
if (dnsp -> number == NULL) {
dnsnextp = dnshead[++onlist];
else {
if (isnumeric(dnsp -> number))
fprintf(lf, "%d %s %s\n", dnsp -> altimecode, dnsp -> number,
(dnsp -> alias == NULL)?"*":(dnsp -> alias));
dnsnextp = dnsp -> next;
if (debug > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "F: Closing %s\n",
(STREQ(dnsfile, "-") || STREQ(dnsfile, "stdin"))?"stdout":
/* now start final accounting */
for (i = 0; i < NO_STATUS; i++) {
if (statusnos[i] <= 299 || statusnos[i] == 304) {
total_succ_reqs += status[i];
total_succ_reqs7 += status7[i];
else if (statusnos[i] <= 399) {
total_other_reqs += status[i];
total_other_reqs7 += status7[i];
else {
total_fail_reqs += status[i];
total_fail_reqs7 += status7[i];
tempint = total_succ_reqs;
total_succ_reqs += cachereqs;
total_succ_reqs7 += cachereqs7;
total_page_reqs += cachepages;
total_page_reqs7 += cachepages7;
if (tempint == 0) { /* no logfile successes */
if (cachereqs == 0) { /* no cached successes either */
mq = OFF;
dq = OFF;
Dq = OFF;
Wq = OFF;
hq = OFF;
Hq = OFF;
q7 = OFF;
oq = OFF;
iq = OFF;
tq = OFF;
rq = OFF;
Sq = OFF;
cq = OFF;
else { /* there are things to report from the main logfile */
if (total_succ_reqs7 == 0)
q7 = OFF; /* just total_bytes no good in case (!byq) */
/* Next do aliasing of hosts */
if (sq == ON)
allaliases(Shead2, Shead, Shashsize, &no_hosts, &no_hosts7,
&no_new_hosts7, 'S');
/* Now the domain report. This is now easy because all the hostnames
are already aliased etc. */
if (oq && sq == ON) {
onlist = 0; /* the list of files we are on */
hostp = Shead[0]; /* starting at list 0 */
for ( ; onlist < Shashsize; hostp = hostnextp) {
/* run through hosts */
if (hostp -> name == NULL) { /* then finished this list */
hostnextp = Shead[++onlist]; /* so start the next list */
else {
strcpy(hostn, hostp -> name);
domhashadd(hostn, hostp -> reqs, hostp -> pages, hostp -> bytes);
hostnextp = hostp -> next;
/* Now for aliasing filenames. */
if (rq || iq || tq)
allaliases(rhead2, rhead, rhashsize, &no_urls, &no_urls7, &tempint,
/* Now the filetype report */
if (tq) {
onlist = 0;
urlp = rhead[0];
for ( ; onlist < rhashsize; urlp = urlnextp) {
/* run through files */
if (urlp -> name == NULL) { /* then finished this list */
urlnextp = rhead[++onlist]; /* so start the next list */
else {
hashadd(thead, thashsize, urltoext(urlp -> name), urlp -> reqs,
urlp -> bytes, urlp -> pages, urlp -> last7, &tempint,
&tempint, &tempint, ON, OFF, OFF, (struct genstruct *)NULL,
-1, 't');
urlnextp = urlp -> next;
/* Now the directory report. */
if (iq) {
onlist = 0; /* the list of files we are on */
urlp = rhead[0]; /* starting at list 0 */
for ( ; onlist < rhashsize; urlp = urlnextp) {
/* run through files */
if (urlp -> name == NULL) { /* then finished this list */
urlnextp = rhead[++onlist]; /* so start the next list */
else {
strcpy(filename, urlp -> name);
hashadd(ihead, ihashsize, filename, urlp -> reqs, urlp -> bytes,
urlp -> pages, urlp -> last7, &tempint, &tempint, &tempint,
ON, OFF, OFF, (struct genstruct *)NULL, -1, 'i');
urlnextp = urlp -> next;
/*** now for the checking and sorting ***/
if (rq) {
rsorthead = gensort(rhead, rhashsize, total_succ_reqs,
total_page_reqs, total_bytes, rsortby, rminreqstr,
rminpagestr, rminbytestr, wantreqhead,
OFF, &rmaxreqs, &rmaxpages, &rmaxbytes, &tempint);
if (rsorthead -> name == NULL)
rq = OFF;
if (iq) {
isorthead = gensort(ihead, ihashsize, total_succ_reqs,
total_page_reqs, total_bytes, isortby, iminreqstr,
iminpagestr, iminbytestr, (struct include *)NULL,
OFF, &imaxreqs, &imaxpages, &imaxbytes, &tempint);
if (isorthead -> name == NULL)
iq = OFF;
if (tq) {
tsorthead = gensort(thead, thashsize, total_succ_reqs,
total_page_reqs, total_bytes, tsortby, tminreqstr,
tminpagestr, tminbytestr,(struct include *) NULL,
OFF, &tmaxreqs, &tmaxpages, &tmaxbytes, &tempint);
if (tsorthead -> name == NULL)
tq = OFF;
if (Sq) {
Ssorthead = gensort(Shead, Shashsize, total_succ_reqs,
total_page_reqs, total_bytes, Ssortby, Sminreqstr,
Sminpagestr, Sminbytestr, (struct include *)NULL,
Ssortby == ALPHABETICAL, &Smaxreqs, &Smaxpages,
&Smaxbytes, &Smaxlength);
if (Ssorthead -> name == NULL)
Sq = OFF;
if (oq) {
firstdom = domsort();
if (onumber == 0)
oq = OFF;
} /* end else (there are things to report from the main logfile) */
if (fq) {
/* aliasing referrers */
allaliases(fhead2, fhead, fhashsize, &tempint, &tempint, &tempint, 'f');
fsorthead = gensort(fhead, fhashsize, total_good_refs, total_ref_pages,
total_ref_bytes, fsortby, fminreqstr, fminpagestr,
fminbytestr, (struct include *)NULL, OFF, &fmaxreqs,
&fmaxpages, &fmaxbytes, &tempint);
if (fsorthead -> name == NULL)
fq = OFF;
if (bq) {
bsorthead = gensort(bhead, bhashsize, total_good_brows,
total_brow_pages, total_brow_bytes, bsortby,
bminreqstr, bminpagestr, bminbytestr,
(struct include *)NULL, OFF, &bmaxreqs, &bmaxpages,
&bmaxbytes, &tempint);
if (bsorthead -> name == NULL)
bq = OFF;
if (Bq) {
Bsorthead = gensort(Bhead, Bhashsize, total_good_brows,
total_brow_pages, total_brow_bytes, Bsortby,
Bminreqstr, Bminpagestr, Bminbytestr,
(struct include *)NULL, OFF, &Bmaxreqs, &Bmaxpages,
&Bmaxbytes, &tempint);
if (Bsorthead -> name == NULL)
Bq = OFF;
if (eq) {
if (errors[errorder[0]] < eminreqs)
eq = OFF;
/*** Finally, do all the output ***/
if (debug > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "S: successful requests: %d (%d)\n", total_succ_reqs,
fprintf(stderr, "S: requests from cache: %d (%d)\n", cachereqs,
fprintf(stderr, "S: page requests from cache: %d (%d)\n", cachepages,
fprintf(stderr, "S: failed requests: %d (%d)\n", total_fail_reqs,
fprintf(stderr, "S: redirected requests: %d (%d)\n", total_other_reqs,
fprintf(stderr, "S: successful page requests: %d (%d)\n", total_page_reqs,
fprintf(stderr, "S: total bytes: %.0f (%.0f)\n", total_bytes,
fprintf(stderr, "S: corrupt lines: %d\n", corrupt_lines);
fprintf(stderr, "S: unwanted lines: %d\n", other_lines);
fprintf(stderr, "S: good referrer lines: %d\n", total_good_refs);
fprintf(stderr, "S: bad referrer lines: %d\n", total_bad_refs);
fprintf(stderr, "S: unwanted referrer lines: %d\n", total_masked_refs);
fprintf(stderr, "S: referrer lines for pages: %d\n", total_ref_pages);
fprintf(stderr, "S: total referrer bytes: %.0f\n", total_ref_bytes);
fprintf(stderr, "S: good browser lines: %d\n", total_good_brows);
fprintf(stderr, "S: bad browser lines: %d\n", total_bad_brows);
fprintf(stderr, "S: unwanted browser lines: %d\n", total_masked_brows);
fprintf(stderr, "S: browser lines for pages: %d\n", total_brow_pages);
fprintf(stderr, "S: total browser bytes: %.0f\n", total_brow_bytes);
anywarns = ON;
output(rsorthead, isorthead, tsorthead, Ssorthead, firstdom, fsorthead,
bsorthead, Bsorthead, errorder);